Balanced Mindfulness

A journey back to balance

Next workshop starts in May at Truly Yoga
Private sessions start now on Zoom or at Truly Yoga in Newark, DE
Get started now with your free 1:1 session:

Do you feel…

  • Constantly stressed to the point where you feel burnt out

  • Anxiety but haven’t found any tools that actually help you feel better

  • Overwhelmed by your emotions and need a way to bring you back to center and find peace

  • Stuck in a “funk” that you just can’t get out of

    Do you…

  • Have trouble settling your thoughts to find peace or clarity to make decisions

  • Realize that your thoughts are always focused on the negative or the ways things can go wrong

  • Want to stop negative self-talk and build self-love

If you said yes to the above…

Know that that is okay.

In the Balanced Mindfulness Program, we focus on a holistic experience. Tapping into our mind, body, emotions, and spirit to find balance.


  • The weight of stress lifting off your shoulders

  • Feeling anxiety rise up in the body but knowing how to calm yourself and release it

  • Instead of negative self-talk you feel positive and energized

  • Having a personalized practice that feels good for you, fits into your life, is easy to maintain, and supports your mental, physical, and emotional health

    Start now, sign up for a free 1:1 session where we deep dive into your needs, goals, and get you started with tools you need to free your mind.

We focus on putting mindfulness, grounding, movement, and breath at the center of your practice. While we will explore all kinds of different ways to move with yoga, Each practice is for all levels of experience. We focus on cultivating awareness of the body, relaxing the mind, and tuning into our emotions.

We focus on 5 tools for managing Your
mental health

Mindfulness based Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork, Crystals, and Journaling


We learn mindful yoga, listening to our bodies, building reliance to stress, and using movement to settle our minds


We simplify meditation, using it to become aware of our thoughts without judgement.


Once we can recognize stress, we learn how to harness the breath to calm our bodies and minds


We bring crystals into our yoga and meditation practice to aid in grounding, calming our minds, and releasing emotions


You use journaling to shift your mindset and train our brain to focus on more positivity while releasing the negativity

Tools only work if you can actually use them and the way we work with them looks different for everyone. So once you master these tools and understand why each of them work, you learn how to actually put them into practice in a consistent way supports you in your life.

The Details:

During this workshop series, we dive deep into how to use yoga, meditation, breathwork, crystals and journaling as tools to manage your mental health, reduce stress, release anxiety, and build a positive mindset. To do that we:

  • Meet for a 2-hours workshop going in-depth into each area of focus and moving through a guided practice that puts our tools to use

  • A 15-30 minute check-in session with Sam focused on your personal needs/goals

  • Self-guided practices and journaling

  • Support designing your own practice utilizing the tools we learn!

  • Digital Guided Meditations

Workshop Themes:

Workshop 1: Yoga, Mindfulness, and The Nervous System

Experience Workshop: Getting Grounded

Week 2: Meditation and Mindset

Experience Workshop: Deep Relaxation

Week 3: Breathwork

Week 5: Crystals 

Week 6: Journaling

Week 7: Recognizing Stress and Taking Self-Care

Week 8: Building Consistency

Week 9: Mental Health Through the Seasons

Week 10: Energy in the Body and Chakras

In-Person Bonus: Watsu Massage at White Feather Farm

*Weeks are subject to change depending on the needs of the group

Let’s get started!

Click the link below to schedule a free 1-on-1 session. During this call, we talk about your journey so far, understand your goals, ask any questions, find out if this is the right program for you, and sign-up!

Let's Get Started!

Some good things to know…

This course is a guide to tools you can use to help manage stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, and cultivate mental health. The goal is to learn about the tools, choose the ones that work best for you, and design your own personal practice. This course is supportive and judgement free, both from others, but also from yourself. If you don't practice one day, that's okay, try again the next. We just work on doing our best. 

Finally, this course is focused on working with the physical body's reaction to stress and learning tools to regulate it. If you are considering the need for talk therapy, this is an excellent program to take alongside it, as we oftentimes need to regulate the body's reaction to stress before we can talk about it. The two are supportive of each other without being a replacement for each other. This program is not a replacement for speaking with a qualified therapist.


The investment to join the 10-week Balanced Mindfulness Program is $1,050 for in-person or $950 for Zoom paid in-full or a payment plan is available.

Remember, you are here to create life long, lasting change. You are investing in your mind and your body. Learning these tools on your own can be done, but it may take years. The Balanced Mindfulness Program breaks down the resources you need to support your mental health in a simple, practical way that fits your lifestyle. You get a community of support from your fellow students and instructors, the ability to ask questions and get feedback, and guided instruction on actually using your tools to create lasting change.

When you are ready to invest in your mental health and gain the tools you need to find relief from stress, anxiety, overwhelm, or racing thoughts, fill out the form above and start your journey today.