Free your

Yoga is an Adventure for the body and the Mind.

Mental health is a skill, not something you are born with, it’s something you learn.

In the Balanced Mindfulness Program, you learn the tools to reduce stress, calm anxiety, and relax your mind.

Instead of feeling like your mind controls you, understand the skills you need to bring you mind and body back to balance when you are feeling stressed.

Let’s create a practice that supports your mental health, together.

The Balanced Mindfulness Workshop Series starts in May.

Get Started Now: Sign up for your free 1:1 session and start freeing your mind today.

Begin your Journey to Mental Health

  • Testimonials:

    I found and started the program during an extremely stressful time in my life and I truly believe it helped me get through that time and provided the tools to not let myself get to that point again.


  • Testimonials:

    This program really impacted me and I’ve seen a huge difference in my self-confidence, less anxiety and fear, and really listening to what my body needs.


Release into the present moment With an emphasis on breath and body

Learn more about us and our philosophy around yoga.

Follow our journey.